The Employ America Act bill is not that big, it is simply a couple pages and case study solution whole idea of case study answer bill is to deliver more jobs to Americans before they give away jobs to internationals. The bill states that an organization cannot really employ internationals like H1B or EAD, if they have did mass lay off in case study solution last twelve months or intend to provide such mass lay off notice. What it states is, USCIS will not be approve visa petitions filed by businesses that have did mass lay off in last 365 days or intend to do so. It says that if an organization did mass lay off in last 12 months or does mass lay off then, visas like H1Bs or EAD will expire in 60 days and folks must leave case study answer country. The whole goal of case study solution bill is to circumvent companies from hiring international workers and stop lack of american jobs. Check case study solution below links for full information.