I dont think essential oils are ingredients that we should always use just pro actively, because if you do get a viral an infection, if you do get a serious illness after which you are looking to use aromatherapy and you have been dosing your self with large quantities of essential oils for years, well now what are you going to do?Because your bodys already now habituated to these oils you have been taking. If youre talking about very small quantities as you would use in food flavors if were speaking about one or two drops a day thats fine, it is OK, but if youre taking a healing dose of vital oils, if youre taking 10 drops, 20 drops a day just as a result of a person told you it was a good suggestion, its not a good idea. LA: So your advice could be for individuals to treat an essential oil so far as ingestion more like a pharmaceutical, with case study answer same appreciate as?RT: Yes. The way Im shopping at is if youre sick, you are taking drugs after which you recover. That is case study answer situation that Im picturing, so if youve strained a muscle then you apply a liniment, you apply a salve to that muscle, to that skin over that muscle and they often contain menthol and camphor and other vital oil materials that goes through case study solution skin to case study answer muscle and it does what it does, but once case study answer muscle ache is gone you dont are looking to keep applying it, and its akin to case study solution way antibiotics are taken. You take antibiotics as long as you want to, you’re taking case study solution course of antibiotics after which you stop.