Furthermore, investor perceptionsof our company may suffer, and this could cause a decline in case study answer market price of our common stock. Irrespective of compliance withthe relevant Sarbanes Oxley provisions, any failure of our inner controls can have a fabric antagonistic effect on our statedresults of operations and harm our reputation. If we are unable to implement these changes effectively or efficaciously, it couldharm our operations, economic reporting or financial outcomes and could result in an adversarial opinion on internal controls fromour independent auditors. We may are looking to hire a few extra employees with public accounting and disclosure experiencein order to meet our ongoing duties as a public company, that may increase costs. Our leadership team and other personnelwill wish to devote a substantial period of time to new compliance tasks and to meeting case study answer duties which are associatedwith being a public company, that could divert attention from other enterprise considerations, which can have a cloth adverse effecton our company, economic situation and consequences of operation. We do not havea majority of unbiased directors on our Board and case study solution Company has not voluntarily applied numerous corporate governance measures,in case study answer absence of which stockholders can have more restricted protections against interested director transactions, conflicts of interestand identical concerns.