Quicken created leap forward value and re created case study solution industry, and has expanded case study solution market some 100 fold. See case study answer exhibit Creating a New Value Curve. case study answer value curvea graphic depiction of case study solution way a corporation or an industry configures its providing to customersis a magnificent tool for growing new market space. It is drawn by plotting case study solution performance of case study answer offering relative to other alternatives along case study answer key fulfillment elements that define rivalry in case study answer industry or class. To identify those alternatives, Intuit, for example, looked within its own industrysoftware to manage personal financesand it also looked across substitute products to take into account why customers chose one over case study answer other. The dominant replacement for program was case study answer lowly pencil. Available from Roong, S. 2006. Managing foreign business verbal exchange issues at work: a pilot study in international agencies in Thailand. Available from G1selle. 2019, August 20. Challenges of Effective Intercultural Communication . Moreover, 12 million barrels of oil are used to produce plastic bags in case study answer US alone. This is not case study solution case with paper bags. So, using more paper bags can help reduce case study answer depletion of herbal non renewable resources reminiscent of oil significantly. Plastic litter kills hundreds of marine animals annually. This has led to case study solution extinction of a couple of species. Unlike plastic bags which are known to kill aquatic life due to dumping in water bodies, paper bags when mixed with compost helps in killing weeds which in turn keeps case study solution soil fertile.