Typically costs around 20% to 25% of case study answer total acquire price per year. With custom software, maintenance and assist is an ongoing cost and is commonly much better than case study solution initial build cost over case study answer life of case study answer product. Does not apply to cloud software. User licenses. For off case study answer shelf software, as case study answer number of users grows in case study answer company, new licenses needs to be purchased. If case study answer variety of users decreases, there are no refunds. The loss of case study solution amenities of one or more of our senior control or other key employees could adversely affect our enterprise. We do not presently hold key person life insurance on any of our officers, employees or consultants, but are in case study answer processof trying to procure such coverage on our senior most workforce. There is no assure we can be able to obtain such insuranceor if we are in a position to obtain such coverage to do so on applicable terms to us. There is severe competitionfor certified personnel in our industry, particularly for highly skilled design, functions, engineering and sales people. Wemay not be able to continue to allure and retain builders, managers, or other certified staff essential for case study solution developmentof our company or to replace qualified people who may leave us at any time in case study solution future. Our anticipated growth is expectedto place increased demands on our elements, and may likely require case study solution addition of new control and engineering staff as wellas case study answer advancement of additional competencies by present management employees.