Zappos Case Study Analysis
They claimed their history check on their drivers is far surpasses case study answer FBI and CIA not to mention case study solution DPS and case study answer local law enforcement. Why did case study solution girl in Houston got raped by a Uber driver who had crook facts on him. Pertaining to case study solution recent episode in Houston when case study answer driver raped case study solution girl passed out in his car. His record shows he should not be allowed to deliver public transportation. If that is what Uber classifies as an in depth history check, passengers beware!In my city not discussed, our taxi facilities are fighting to get them banded out of case study answer state!These drivers haven’t any schooling, no finger prints or back ground checks with case study solution police department and you do not know who you are riding with!They will up charge a man account just because they aren’t regulated!On case study solution news across case study answer US, there has already been many, many thoughts of police having to get entangled with incidences with Uber drivers. Some are very severe!We will continue to keep fighting and work to get them out of company.